
1. The unique E-Canuba oil formula for topical use of hemp and soy has the following properties:

Cold pressed hemp seed oil has a number of benefits if it is used externally, there are numerous relevant studies on the ailments it combats.

Among the benefits are listed the contribution of the oil on:

Dry skin: thanks to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, it contributes to maintaining the hydration of the skin and the exchange of electrolytes. A  study from 2017 highlights that the application of a lotion based on hemp seed oil for a certain period of time contributed to the hydration of the skin of the participants in the text.

Acne and acneic scars: hemp oil contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ingredients. A Sudiu from 2014 shows that compounds in hemp oil, such as CBD, contribute to skin regeneration by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin and accelerating cellular turnover.

Skin inflammations: anti-inflammatory compounds such as unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, CBD reduce inflammatory skin processes contributing to skin hydration, irritation and discomfort. A 2014 study concludes the benefits of hemp seed oil on inflammatory skin conditions such as:

The simultaneous consumption of hemp oil as food contributes to the reduction of inflammation in the body and accentuates the benefits of topical use, according to a 2020 study .

Aging skin: An article from 2015 explains the mechanisms by which hemp oil prevents and slows skin aging. According to a study published by PubMed , it is evident that people who consume larger amounts of linoleic acid are less prone to having dry and thinned skin with aging. Hemp oil also fights   Oxidative Stress , a process by which free radicals affect the constitution of the skin, causing the appearance and accentuation of wrinkles.

Hemp oil contains a series of chemical compounds that combat aging skin damage by:

  • Stimulation of cell regeneration
  • Improving skin elasticity and firmness
  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles
  • Skin revitalization
  • Skin hydration
  • Increasing collagen production

 the linoleic acid in hemp oil helps to eliminate and balance the level of melanin in the dermis, according to an article published by Pubmed . Applying it before exposure to the sun can suppress excessive melanin production .

Cold-pressed soybean oil
Soybean oil is often used in a number of cosmetic products and for hair care, and its benefits have been known for a long time, along with its use in food.

As a topical use, the following properties are known:
• Helps to keep the skin hydrated, strengthening the skin's natural barrier, according to PubMed
• A 2005 study highlights that cold-pressed soybean oil reduces inflammation caused by sun exposure.
• The anti-inflammatory role is given by the significant amount of vitamin E in the composition of the oil and the multiple attributes to combat skin conditions, according to an Article from 2016 .
• Vitamin E is beneficial in treating conditions such as atopic dermatitis and acne, PubMed .

2. Hemp oil cold pressed and consumed as food has countless carefully studied and reported benefits:

Cold-pressed hemp oil retains all the advantages offered by the seeds, which are known to be highly nutritious due to their content of unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and fiber. A series of studies highlight their specific contribution to combating various ailments:

Cardiovascular diseases: the seed oil contains a very large amount of an amino acid called   arginine that helps produce nitric oxide , the molecule that helps blood vessels to dilate and relax, reducing blood pressure and the risk of   heart attack.

• In a study conducted on 13,000 people, the increased intake of arginine corresponded to the decrease in the level of CRP, an inflammatory marker. The high level of CRP is associated with cardiovascular diseases .

• The gamma linoleic acid found in hemp seed oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduces the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases.

• Various other studies on animals have shown that hemp oil reduces blood pressure, prevents the appearance of blood clots and helps recovery after heart attacks .

Premenstrual syndrome:
 over 80% of women suffer frompremenstrual syndrome , caused by a sensitivity of the prolactin hormone . Gammalinoleic acid from hemp seeds produce prostaglandins that reduce the effects of prolactin according to a 2011 study . The essential acids from hemp seed oil also contribute to the reduction of symptoms associated with menopause . Although the mechanisms by which fatty acids contribute to hormonal imbalances associated with menopause are not known, countless studies show their contribution to reducing inflammatory processes. ( 1 ,  2 ,  3 ).

Skin problems: various skin conditions are influenced by the state of the immune system, and fatty acids support the proper functioning of the system.There are studies that show that the immune system is clearly influenced by fatty acids: omega 3 and omega. The ratio of 3:1 omega 6 to omega 3 is considered ideal as present in a food. These acids contribute to the prevention, improvement and removal of the discomfort of dry skin . At the same time, the consumption of the oil has been shown to be effective in replacing prescription medication for various   skin conditions.

Hair problems: omega 3 and omega 6 acids consumed over a period of 6 months are indicated for improving the capillary structure, helping to restore hair quality ( PubMed ) Fatty acids together with the antioxidants in hemp oil prevent hair loss.

Brain disorders: various studies ( 1 , 2 ) have demonstrated the antioxidant effects of hemp oil on the human brain, emphasizing its neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory side. These characteristics help to combat various neurological diseases:

• Parkinson's
• Alzheimer's
• Multiple sclerosis
• Peripheral neuropathy
• Convulsive disorders

3. Hemp protein powder

Hemp is such a versatile plant that any product derived from it has superlative characteristics. The protein powder obtained from seeds contains all 9 essential amino acids, fibers, healthy fats and minerals. Its popularity is growing and it is considered one of the healthiest and most complex forms of vegetable protein.

Easy to digest: research shows that 91-98% of the protein obtained from cold-pressed hemp seeds is digestible ( PubMed ,  PMC ), which means that the amino acids in the product help the body's essential functions. According to a study from 2006,  the degree of digestion is determined by the presence of two proteins: edestin and albumin, which are highly tolerated by the human digestive system. The degree of digestion also depends on the temperature at which the protein is processed and the way it is obtained. Since its properties decrease through thermal processing, the protein obtained by cold pressing the seeds is recommended. The essential source of fiber: diets focused on high fiber consumption have shown a number of advantages: reducing blood sugar, populating the intestine with good bacteria and reducing colon cancer ( 1, 2, 3 ). Hemp powder has a balanced proportion of protein and fiber, which makes the product provide the feeling of satiety in the long term ( PubMed ). Contains healthy fats: hemp seed powder is obtained by removing the oil from the seeds, but the finished product remains with approximately 10% of essential oils ( PubMed ). The amount of powder recommended for an adult with an active lifestyle is 30g/day, which means 3g of unsaturated fats with a series of benefits for the cardiovascular system ( 1, ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ). The hemp seeds from which the powder is produced contain an ideal ratio of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids of 3:1 ( PubMed ), while contemporary diets capture a ratio of 15:1 of these acids, a fact connected to a number of chronic diseases By consuming hemp seeds and derivatives, which contain a smaller amount of omega 6, the balance can be restored, leading to the improvement of the cardiovascular system . Rich in minerals and antioxidants: hemp seeds are very rich in minerals such as: phosphorus, magnesium ,  calcium , iron, manganese, zinc and copper ( PubMed ). The powder is rich in antioxidants ( PubMed ) that fight oxidative stress often connected with a series of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, so consumption reduces the risk of their occurrence.

4. Full spectrum hemp oil

Full spectrum hemp oil is obtained from hemp varieties with a maximum 0.2% THC content, which does not make the products psychoactive. Industrial hemp varieties with a maximum of 0.2% THC are approved for cultivation in Europe for various purposes: food, textile, industrial, etc. The major benefit of full-spectrum
products is given by the presence of over 120 cannabinoids in the plant, of which the most studied is CBD, which may contain traces of THC, which has studied benefits, although the quantity is insufficient to give psychoactive reactions. The way in which the human body can keep or eliminate the cannabinoids from the plant is individual and people who often do regular THC tests and regularly consume this product must be very careful, because in isolation they can retain an amount that will come out positive in the analysis . In addition to the maximum number of cannabinoids it benefits from, hence the entourage effect , the product also contains terpenes and flavinoids , over 500 active substances that work together. An extract so complex and with benefits known for thousands of years, has a broad mode of action on the human body with potential side effects like any ingredient that makes a difference on the body. It can cause side effects  such as digestive problems, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, etc. hence the indication to be consumed gradually . It also interacts with other drugs and it is recommended to consult the doctor regarding possible interactions. Among the most well-known interactions:  medication to reduce tension, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, etc.

Countless studies have been carried out in recent years and research seems to be gaining momentum regarding the benefits and positive reactions of full spectrum hemp oil in combating various ailments and their symptoms. Prudence must be given to the way of administration, which must be carried out progressively and in the context of analyzing the balance between advantages and certain unwanted effects.

Since the components of hemp work in the body through the endocannabinoid system that controls the entire body, the use of hemp oil for supplementing with phytocabinoids is not limited to a series of ailments related to a single system of the body, but looks at and influences the body as a whole.

Some of the most studied effects and reasons for prescribing full spectrum hemp oil are attributed to the following conditions:

Anxiety : the human body has numerous receptors, protein substances attached to human cells that receive different signals and act accordingly on the stimulated organ. CB1 and CB2 receptorsare found in the central and peripheral nervous systems and interact with the hemp phytocannabinoids at different levels, influencing the modulation of serotonin in the body, the neurotransmitter that is often associated with anxiety . The most common treatment against anxiety is medication with antidepressants or SSRIs (serotonin inhibitors) such as Zoloft or Prozac. Certain studies highlight the reduction of symptoms given the consumption of full-spectrum hemp oil .

Pain:  Hemp oil is often used to reduce pain . The causes that produce discomfort can be varied and the effect of hemp oil a completely different spectrum. A cause that generates pain in the body is given by the inflammatory processes and the role of the oil through the entourage effect is known to reduce the process and the associated symptoms .

Sleep problems : insomnia can be caused by various factors: pain , anxiety , hormonal imbalances , etc. and the action of hemp oil on the main cause can influence the reduction of states that affect homeostasis and determine a precarious level of rest. Hyperactivity is reduced by the sedative effect of the oil. Cannabinoids in full-spectrum hemp oilshowed an enhanced effect on sleep regulation compared to CBD-only therapies due to the entourage effect.

Migraines : by interacting with the endocannabinoid system, the phytocannabinoids in full-spectrum hemp oil help reduce inflammation , which helps combat pain. People with migraines, identified as having at least 15 episodes per month, have a  low level of endocannabinoids . Supplementation with phytocannabinoids along with the other components of the oil ( terpenes , flavanoids , etc.) known for their benefits on migraines highlights the reduction of painful phenomena and their prevention.

The research extends to countless natural ailments ( neurological , digestive , cardiovascular , oncological , etc.) and together with the legislative changes at the level of the European Union but also globally, the appearance of new basic hemp products will be stimulated and will offer alternatives for various medicinal therapies .